Dream Work With Calea Zachatachichi

From time to time I will guide people through the 7 day process of working with the beautiful and amazing “Mexican Dream Herb,” also known as Calea Zachatachichi. I absolutely love doing these sessions with this incredible plant because it is always a very unique experience. Calea, as it is called for short, is a plant that is native to the state of Oaxaca in Mexico, as well as parts of Central America. Like many plants that are used for medicinal purposes, there are many ways it has been used. In Mexico, you will find that the uses of plants will vary from village to village due to the way that each place has connected with the plant. Calea has been used to detox, for colds, and for gastritis. But, one very special way people have worked with this herb is in the dream state.

The Chontal people of Oaxaca used this plant over a period of 7 days. They say it induces lucid dreams. It was used by the Chontal to find answers for things for which their village was looking. They would smoke a ‘cigarette’ of the herb and drink a cup of tea of the herb 30 minutes before going to bed. Not all answers or visions will come right away, however, so this is the reason they allow for 7 days for the entire process.

About 3 years ago, I was introduced to this plant by a friend of mine who owned an herb shop in Puerto Escondido, Mexico. She showed me the process and I worked with the plant for a period of time and then we began to work together in guiding people through this process.

My first time working with a group with Calea was incredible! We had 6 people in the group. At the end of the week, we shared our dreams and there were 3 people that had had almost the exact same dream. And, in this circle I also dreamt about the mother of one of the participants without ever had even known her mother!

Over time, I have also seen the herb work in my “waking” life, as well. For instance, one time I was looking for answers to a question that I had had for over 3 years now. Before I went to bed, I set my intentions and did my bedtime ceremony with the calea and asked the question. That night I did actually recieve part of the answer in my dream, but the next day I actually recieved the full answer in my life! The person the question was about finally wrote me and told me the answer I had been looking for….for 3 years!!

Over the years I have worked with Calea several times and taken various groups through the process. It is always so beautiful! People have been able to heal emotions around their relationships with their parents, they have found more peace and calm in their daily lives, and they have even been able to dream jump into each other’s dreams!

If you are interested in finding out more about when and how you can work with this beautiful plant, Calea Zachatachichi, please send me a message via email, whatsapp or text and lets get started!


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