Why I Believe In Love

I happen to know that part of my mission in this lifetime is to help spread love. To make people feel loved in my presence. And to support those I come in contact with in finding self-love. This may sound “hippy-dippy,” but, you know what?! I’m okay with that, as long as it is understood that this love is grounded. This love acknoweldges that we are, each and every one of us, human beings having our own unique human experience. By the simple act of realizing this, we are then naturally becoming less judgemental of ourselves, which in turns leaves a bit more space in our energy field to recieve the good vibes of forgiveness.

So someone recently asked me if I thought that EVERY human deserves to be happy. I enjoyed that question. Because in the development of my thoughts, it made me look at what it would actually mean- “every human.” That would mean, believing that a person who has murdered a close family member or the people that are playing war games would also deserve to be happy. It would mean that people who did actions that I do not like and do not understand, could be deserving of happiness.

Then I thought about my beliefs around spirituality, reincarnation, childhood traumas, quantum energy, healing, etc. Of course I don’t think that the forementioned actions are good or acceptable in any way! However, as I understand it, “hurt-people, hurt people,” and I would imagine that the people that are committing the terrible acts are, in some way, hurt themselves. In recognition of that, should someone who has been evil make a decision (probably would have to be influenced by an outside force because not sure someone would just stop and all of a decide to go to therapy- jaja), to go to therapy or to embark on a journey of self-discovery and self-love, and they are able to do that, then, yes. I think they deserve happiness. AND, by that person going through this transformation, they are able to transform their friends, their communities, their families and others that are on the same path this person was, then even better. This is part of what is known as the Butterfly Effect. One act energetically influences many parts of the universe at a time. THE UNIVERSE! So potentially with the person healing, they will effect other lifeforms!

So….obviously many of you are like, “uh. yea- nice. Buuuuuuuuut……that’s not going to happen!” I understand. That makes sense to have that thought. However, with quantum physics becoming more and more evolved, it is being actually PROVEN that what is done on one side of the planet CAN effect another part of the planet! I just heard of an experiment that talks about the 1,000 monkeys where there is a chain of islands somewhere that they studied. These islands each had different monkeys on them. They observed that if on one island, one monkey changed something like they way they eat a certain food, then across the islands, the monkeys ALL changed the way they did that same thing in the very same way.

It is fascinating to think about that. And, tying a few things together here, I have become more and more convinced that LITERALLY “Love is the Magic.” And the very first thing that we can do for our own healing is to learn to love ourselves. Once we learn that, we will begin to see other people in their own “imperfect” greatness and divinity. We will give people room and grace to learn as they go, just as WE are learning as we go! And if we individually are able to actually love ourselves, we will LITERALLY change the world!

Maybe it is far fetched to imagine that the people who are currently wreaking havoc on the world’s peace will find it in their hearts to realized they need some serious self-healing, but, just as I said, what we do in one part of the world can have an effect on other parts of the world. I really do think it is possible that if we can each make a commitment to work on loving ourselves more and are able to come together to send our unconditional love out in our meditations, in the way we speak to others, in the ways in which we co-habitate in our environments that we can shift the overall energy. This might look like all of a sudden new ways and people emerging to hold people accountable and/or more spontaneously happy events happening throughout the world, which is watching the love ripple.

I believe in love. I believe in it because when I use kind, compassionate and loving words, I get that back. I believe in it because when I move in love, my body feels better and more at peace. I believe in love, because I know that my life is so much happier when I am cultivating loving relationships in the places and communities of my life.

This topic has inspired me to make A love Shower Meditation- Believing Love is the Magic. Of course, it has Acasma Quantumn energy infused in it, which makes it available to you in any time and space you are needing it. As you join it, you are also joining with the souls around the globe that listen to it in the past, present or future. It is timeless. It would be dope if we could spread it and people could be doing it at all times of the time from places around the world. Lets put it out there- we will be the love warriors, dropping the love, to stop the bombing!


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