Single Herbal Tinctures

These tinctures are handcrafted with organic herbs. The tinctures listed below are currently available. Should you have a specific need, please let me know and I am happy to design a tincture for you if I currently have the appropriate herbs available. Single plant tinctures and multi-plant tinctures available.

I am currently in Puerto Escondido in the state of Oaxaca in Mexico. I am only able to share these with people who are local. Please contact me via WhatsApp : +1 510 495 5840

Bee Balm

Relieves sinus congestion, sore throats, reparatory tract issues

Treats digestive tract issues, stomach upset, gas, diarrhea, nausea and vomiting. Relieves menstrual cramps.

Pulls heat from the body, may be helpful for fevers, helps with acid reflux.

Antibacterial, antiviral, and antifungal

Take before meals

Combined with Vodka

Chaste Berry

Helps with symptoms of premenstrual syndrome, breast pain, headaches, bloating, hormone balance, infertility, reproductive help, physical and emotional support during menstruation and menopause, helps raise progesterone levels and lower prolactin

Combined with Vodka


Supports digestive health, supports healthy respiration, digestion, and uplifts the mood. Promotes relaxation and digestive health.

Can be used in mouthwashes to treat mouth pain suche as gingivitis and canker sores- mix with other ingredients like caraway, clove oil or peppermint in a glass of water and swish in mouth 3 x's day.

Combined with Vodka

Blue Vervain

Think of blue vervain when you or a loved one accumulate tightness and tension in the body (and senses) by trying to change or control things that you cannot, including other people's actions, helps to find peace from a new vantage point.

Nervine, bitter and fever reducing herb, calming balm for frazzled nerves from tension, nervousness, exhaustion and anxiety. Helps relax the mind and body, great for overthinker, worrywart, list maker, intensely driven person and quiets overactive minds. Relieves tension headaches

Eases colds, fever and indigestion, help to mitigate food cravings and supports hormonal balance, eases severity of hot flashes and lends support during menopause and perimenopause

Combined with Vodka



Increases cognitive function and energy levels, boosts mood and provides feelings of wellbeing and joy, high amounts of antioxidants, which may reduce cell and tissue damage, high amounts of magnesium, great for heart and brain health, high amounts of iron and calcium

Combined with Mezcal



Treats loss of appetite, colds, heart and nerve diseases, upper respiratory tract pain and swelling, fluid retention, stomach irritation, and disorders of circulation, ford dissolving phlegm, as a laxative, as a diuretic.

Combined with mezcal

Calea Zacatachichi

Mexican Dream herb. Used to induce and work with Lucid dreams.

This bitter herb is also great for detoxing

Combined with Mezcal

Can also be mixed witih Passion Flower

Combined with Mezcal


caffeine, mind stimulant, decreases fatigue, improves muscle coordination, pre-workout,

Combined with Mezcal


Treats anxiety, insomnia and skin irritation and wound healing (apply directly to the wound) .

Is a natural antiseptic and can help support oral health (add to a mouthwash or used as a natural breath freshen by diluting it with water and swishing around mouth)

Natural sedative, treat depression, pain relief, headaches, depression during menopause, improve cognitive function for Alzheimer’s.

Combined with Vodka