Magic Is Everywhere- Believe.

  • 1:1 Acasma Energy Session In-Person

    1:1 Acasma Energy Session In-Person

    Acasma Quantum Energy works beyond the here and now to clear, heal and activate energy. These one-on-one sessions are a blend of an energy session, a limpia, a sound bath, and a healing session. I use sound bowls, my voice, light codes, drums and sacred smokes to lighten up your energy, relieve anxiety and in some cases, ease physical pain.

    Within this process we will also connect around various exercises related to what you are working on for yourself at this time.

    These sessions are excellent ways to reconnect your body and spirit to its full alignment with both earth-based and galactic-based energies.

    Some Benefits People Experience from these sessions:

    * Lower Anxiety

    * Reduced Physical Pain

    * Awakening Your Spiritual Gifts

    * Ascension

    * Stop bad habits- smoking, drinking, biting nails, etc.

    * Brings ease and flow to your life

    * Improved Sleep

    * Increased Speed in Recovery from Sickness/Injuries

    In person- single session: $800 mx pesos

    In person- pack of 4 sessions : $2800 mx pesos

    In person at your location: $1000 mx pesos

  • Distance Quantum Healing

    These beatiful quantum healing sessions allow us to connect with each other no matter how far away we are from eachother in the physical. Uslng quantum energy, my highrr self connects with your higher self. Each session is unique. I recieve messages, downloads, advice to share with you as well as clear and re-energize your energy centers. You will fell lighter, happier and more grounded.

    Some benefits you may receive from these sessions:

    Lessened Anxiety

    Improved Sleep

    Get Visions/Answers from Your Guides

    Increase Your Intuition

    Lightened Spirit

    Relief from Physical Pain

    Increased Speed in Recovery from sickness/injuries

    Stronger Connection to Your Own Galactic Powers

    Assists in Your Ascension

    The awakening of your spiritual gifts

    The session includes a 30 minute clearing/healing and a 30 minute integration session via phone or video directly after the session. You will received typed notes of our time together within 72 hours of our meeting so that you can revisit and expand on the medicine they contain for the months to come. The time slot is for 90 min, which will allow you to block 30 minutes off for yourself after the session.

    To hear the experience of one of my clients, check out this quick video sent me after her session. (Thank you, Michelle)

    AVAILABLE AS SINGLE SESSION $88 USD PACKAGE OF 4 $315 (to be used within 4 months of purchase date)

  • Learn Acasma Quantum Energy

    Whether you are looking to learn quantum energy to give to yourself or to offer it as one of your offerings, learning Acasma is one of the most beautiful things I have every done. This is truly an ascension modality and learning it helps you to heal your own behavioral and ancestral patterns as well as create new, more expansive ones to live a more fulfilled life.

    The Acasma foundations course includes 3 levels;

    The first where you will learn to give yourself Acasma.

    The second is where you begin to work on your friends, family and pets.

    And the third level is where you will learn how to give it to the public.

    This program is 9 weeks-

    7 of weeks of instruction and 2 weeks of integration within the series.

    Each week you will receive

    *a recorded instructional video,

    *a 90 min live session with Lauren

    *a distance attunement session.

    Investment is $666

    Please reach out to me with any questions/comments!