What I Love About Being An Acasma Facilitator!

I can’t even believe that it has been 3 years since I began my Acasma journey! I literally have loved every second of it!

I was introduced to Acasma by my magical friend and teacher, Meredith Meyers (aka The Majestik Lioness). I had previously learned Lemurian Healing from her and when she contacted me and asked if I wanted to join her Acasma course, without even knowing what it was, I said YES!

I remember I had no idea what it was, but I trusted Meredith and I trusted source. I joined a group distance session before getting started with the class and I was amazed! I REALLY could feel the Acasma energy! I mean, at this point I was no newbie to healings. I had been attunded to Reiki 1 & 2 as well as Lemurian Healing, but I literally had never felt the energy as much as I had in that session.

Over the next 2 years as I was learning all the foundations levels of Acasma, as well as becoming a Master Teacher and then a Grand Master DEA, I was brought along for the ride of my life. Even though many of the concepts I learned were not new to me, they were just hitting different than any other time I had heard them. In the process of learning I also saw my life open up and expand and I experienced emotional, physical and spiritual level ups like I never had!

And I have watched so many others also experience these expansions. I have had so many clients and literally 99% of people have told me that they ALSO felt the incredible specialness of Acasma. It has been such an honor to witness peole increase their belief in themselves and in their gifts. I have seen people’s light language come on line, and I have seen their relationships and quality of life improve. All from this incredible modality, I say is, “ like Reiki, but more galactic.”

I was taught that “you can’t mess this up!” That Acasma is for each individual to decide what and how to use it. I love that! Me personally, I use crystals, sound healing, and gentle touch to deliver this medicine. And each person is different. It allows the person that is facilitating to be sovereign and to use their own gifts to impart the beautiful and loving Acasma energy.

During the course of the sessions with people, we also get to chat and to look at situations that come up in their lives. We can use our conversations to move the energy of the lessons/realizations of the Acasma sessions.

Being an Acasma faciliator is amazing for the nomad that I am. I am based in Mexico, but I also travel around the globe. I love that I can do Acasma as an in-person session and I can also offer it as a distance session. In both in-person and distance sessions I can also offer group or individual sessions. This allows me a lot of flexibility and it also truely helps me to help people around the world!

I just absolutely love this modality and I am so humbled and honored to be able to offer it to people who are looking for answers and changes in thier lives. I also am a Master Teacher, which means I can teach others to teach others and then I am a Grand Master DEA, which means I can teach teachers of teachers!!!

I truely believe this is a gift to humanity and it is so necessary at this time to help the Earth heal! I am grateful every day that I get to be around and spread Acasma in this NOW timeline!


Dream Work With Calea Zachatachichi